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  • Writer's pictureTalia

My candle dripped on my carpet...what do i do?

I'm a pretty big fan of walking into a room and smelling cinnamon rolls or pumpkin or even banana pancakes. But I'm not a fan of walking into a room and seeing that my candle somehow leaked all over my dresser and carpet.

I'm not a victim here though, I was to blame fully. I left a candle, unattended in my room--problem number 1. I also knew that specific candle had a hole in the bottom of it--problem number 2. I ALSO knew that candle was on its last limb--problem number 3...

So with all of these reasons to blame myself, I decided I was the villain in my own story and I really needed a hero.

I thought I would document my steps so I could help others with this same issue:

  1. I blew out the candle *audience applauds*

  2. Felt if the wax was still wet (it was most definitely not)

  3. Looked up how to get wax out of my carpet and scrolled to a reliable source (the first one that popped up)

  4. "Fill a bag with ice and put it over the wax"-done.

  5. "Let the wax harden"-done.

  6. Scrolled on the website until I saw an ingredient that I could use. The author mentioned an iron but I do not have one of those on hand, so...

  7. Started scraping my carpet with a *drumroll please* butter knife! At this point I abandoned the website and decided that "I'm a cleaner, I got this".

  8. Broke up all the chunks stuck in the fibers with the knife

  9. Vacuumed up the chunks with my vacuum nozzle

  10. Poured water over the gross remaining wax

  11. Vacuumed it up with my pet vacuum (the one the sucks up water AMAZINGLY)

  12. Voila!

I'm not going to lie, my carpet doesn't look perfect and I definitely cut some carpet pieces with the knife, but it's not hard anymore and It's not stained. I would count this as a success!

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